Pediatric Bone Marrow transplantation Department


Cancer is a group of diseases that develop through abnormal proliferation of cells. In children, the most common types of cancer are leukemias, Central nervous system tumors, and lymphomas. In addition, other types of cancer can also develop in children with a lower frequency.

It is often very difficult and challenging for parents and children to hear and accept a cancer diagnosis. But don't forget that you are not alone on this difficult path. Innovations in diagnosis and treatment methods make cancer less frightening. Early diagnosis of cancer generally increases the chances for successful treatment.

What are the symptoms of suspected cancer? One or more signs and symptoms may appear depending on the type of disease, the primary focus, and the area of further spread.

For example, bone marrow cancers, such as leukemia (blood cancer), often cause:


  • Paleness, weakness,
  • Frequent fever, pain in the bones,
  • Bruises on the skin
  • Painless swelling of the lymph nodes,
  • Swelling in any part of the body,
  • Bleeding from nose, gums, blood in feces and urine


Again, the symptoms of relatively common childhood brain tumors are:


  • Headache and vomiting, more frequent in the morning,
  • Visual impairment,
  • Gait disorders, imbalance,
  • Strabismus, convulsions without fever, personality changes.


Also important symptoms may be excessive brightness of the pupils, their involuntary movements, dark bruises around the eyes.


After examination and differential diagnosis, our patients who still have a suspicion of cancer are evaluated by specialists in Radiation Oncology, Pediatric Surgery, Nuclear Medicine, Radiologists in the "tumor Council", as well as examined by specialists in pediatric Hematology, Oncology, after which the most appropriate methods of diagnosis and treatment are determined.

In our clinic, chemotherapeutic drugs used for cancer in children are prepared by robots. Our center also uses radiation therapy, surgical treatment, and nuclear medicine approaches.

In our Children's bone marrow transplant unit, equipped with a HEPA filter, specially planned training protocols are provided for each patient, taking into account the type of disease and previous treatment. Our bone marrow transplant Department has been set up in such a way that children can meet all their needs during their stay in the hospital, as well as improve their quality of life.


Ekleme Tarihi: 3/31/2024
Güncelleme Tarihi: 3/31/2024
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birolbaytanwebfoto.png Prof. Birol BAYTAN M.D. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Pediatric Bone Marrow transplantation Department Physician Info